Thought for Today, 29 th June 2020

Life is a trip. The only problem is that it does not come with a map. We have to search our own routes to reach our destination.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Guidelines for Presenting Officer & Defense Assistant

Guidelines for Presenting Officer & Defense Assistant

 The guidelines prepared for Presenting Officer and Defense Assistant are now uploaded on this blog. They are available under Heading "Worth Visiting". Those interested can get them downloaded.

 The guidelines for Inquiring authority, Disciplinary authority and the appellate authority will be uploaded on the blog shortly.


  1. Sir I appreciate your effort and the labour in doing this work. I wouild like to read more on the subject. If possible kindly give me tips as top how to defend chargesheeted employees. Regards Satyendra Jha. my email ID is-

  2. I am sorry that I could not write reply to your comments earler.I am thankful for thr feelings expressed in the comments. I would suggest that you please go through the guidelines for Defence Assistants" and if you have any specific query please send me a detailed e-mail on

  3. If a central Govt.employee awarded by Rule-14 of appointing authority and all staff of office are aposit of accused officer and department has decieded to awarded the accused officer dissmisal from service in which condition what should be do by accused officer. charged framed by Dept. when unmarried then accused officer avail LTC to forgedaly in name of his family member as wifr and a son.

  4. I could not find under heading "worth visiting", whether a charged reply from the same institution can become defence assistant of another charged employee? Kindly reply.

  5. Please upload all upto date relevant documents in respect of Disciplinary proceedings

  6. Your Contribution has been very good.

  7. Sir, let me know whether a complainant may also appointed as "presenting officer"in the same case ?

  8. The complainant can be a witness. It may not be appropriate to appouint him as presenting officer.

  9. sir,
    iam the new for the inquery as presenting officer, kindly guide us how to make written brief.

  10. Wether presenting officer in his brief writes charges are proved/charges are not proved. Any documentary evidence for this. Pls
