1) The State Government vide its notification dates 11 th October 2011, has added the following
proviso after clause (c) in sub-rule(5) of rule 4 of M.C.S.(D.& A.) Rules 1979.
" Provided that. wheree a criminal offence is registered
against a Government servan t, the recommendation
of the Suspension Review Committee constituted by
the Government in this behalf, shall be obtained
by the authority which has made or is deemed to
have been made the suspension order or by any
authority to which that authority is subordinate,
before revoking or modifying the order of
suspension of such Government sevant ."
2) The State Government vide G.R. dated
14 th October 2011 had constitued two
Suspension Review committees, one for
Group A and B employees and one for
Group C and D employees. The said G.R.
will be uploaded on this blog shortly.
proviso after clause (c) in sub-rule(5) of rule 4 of M.C.S.(D.& A.) Rules 1979.
" Provided that. wheree a criminal offence is registered
against a Government servan t, the recommendation
of the Suspension Review Committee constituted by
the Government in this behalf, shall be obtained
by the authority which has made or is deemed to
have been made the suspension order or by any
authority to which that authority is subordinate,
before revoking or modifying the order of
suspension of such Government sevant ."
2) The State Government vide G.R. dated
14 th October 2011 had constitued two
Suspension Review committees, one for
Group A and B employees and one for
Group C and D employees. The said G.R.
will be uploaded on this blog shortly.